Thursday, December 10, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
The December issue of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC has an article on MT. ATHOS which is an ancient, inaccessible monastery in GREECE that can only be reached at this writing by boat. It is here that Gurdjieff is supposed to have visited at some time in his travels(he also is said to have gone to Crete and received a wound). The article mentions that this monastery has been there for at least a thousand years and allows no women to visit it and is resisting attempts to allow women to go there and it is interesting to read what the monks there have to actually say about this. ``These monks are familiar with the PHILOKALIA that Ouspensky mentions and supposedly practice what has been called, 'gazing at one's navel' which, of course, is a sort of code for centering on the navel center or a certain chakra,also known to yogis,etc. I will not delve into this practice but it also requires some things like prayers and breathing as well as concentration and attention/awareness,etc.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
There is a vast literature on the 'dynamics of higher realms' or regions or states or 'heavens' etc. that only the most determined will undertake to read or study, let alone follow, when they find directions as to how to 'navigate'. We can, even if we are not clairvoyant,psychic, or 'gifted' catch occasional glimpses of these 'higher realms' through symbols,legends, stories, myths, and sometimes through 'objective' art which can include paintings. None of these things need be actually 'religious' or 'moral' in nature as one might expect. The 'stairways' & 'highways' to Heaven as we might call them also have their counterparts going to that place well-paved with 'good intentions'. There is one point to made about this latter that most people do not consider since it is and was designated(often without proof) to be a place of PUNISHMENT but we can also say that no one is there for that purpose but are there because THEY WANT TO BE. IF HELL IS AN EVIL PLACE THEN IT IS BECAUSE EVIL INHABITANTS RESIDE THERE.
The highest knowledge of GOD that can be attained in this life is called GNOSIS, which is in part, if not entirely, the basis of ESOTERIC CHRISTIANITY which only a few persons understand or know about or have attempted to locate. This knowledge is not belief as is ordinarily considered. Most discussions of GNOSIS fall flat on deaf ears and various arguments are put forth to argue against such knowledge, tending to favor unverifiable belief(s). GNOSIS is a form of experience that can be experienced in various environments, as in some extremes like mountains and deserts,for example. Not everyone in this modern day and age desires such knowledge nor wants to undergo the hardships and disciplines needed for such a journey to these 'remote' places, preferring a modest vacation on 'some sunny shore'. GNOSIS is also to be found in ESOTERIC BUDDHISM but undeer slightly different 'wraps' that for Christians are most difficult to 'unwrap' or accept as 'gifts'.
Some religous traditions teach that 'spiritual accomplishment' can give actual mastery over the physical world. Stories of mastery over nature and the world by ancients and primitives and figures of mythology abound. To search such takes time that most persons will not attempt. Some methods of achieving such 'spiritual accomplishment' can be found in the various ESOTERIC RELIGIONS, such as BUDDHISM, CHRISTIANITY, and Hinduism,Shinto, etc.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Serpent in the Garden is a 'symbol' with much esoteric and occult significance as well as other associations for people not involved in occultism or esoteric studies,etc. The Serpent is a reptile, that is, snakes and related creatures,exert a certain fascination or repulsion in people around the world. Snakes are to be found in nearly every human culture and are either venerated, worshipped, feared, and hated,etc. The point is that the Snake or THE SERPENT, as mentioned in the First Book of the Bible or Genesis has an importance that can be understood perhaps as well as misunderstood. The Serpent in the Garden was a witness to the appearance of early men. Possibly, serpents and snakes inhabited some of the caves and areas where men lived, and I have seen such snakes in such caves and areas, as have many others, but that is not the point. We are all familiar with the serpent or snake entwined around a pole, usually, twin snakes, and this has much symbolic meaning for those who are on the particular path, THE WAY OF THE MONK, as sometimes the Serpent is seen as the Tempter or the Devil or Satan,etc.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
'IF THE PRIEST GOES TO THE RIGHT, THEN THE TEACHER MUST GO TO THE LEFT" is another saying that G has in his book of 'MEETINGS' that refers to the directions one must follow if one is perhaps on this PATH OF THE MONK or tries to venture along it,because only then will the aspirant/novice find out the limits of his 'existence' and 'the power of his faith'.
"If you want to lose your FAITH, make friends with the Priest" is one of the ancient sayings or aphorisms that Gurdjieff mentions in his book of 'MEETINGS' and I can attest that,if you make friends with the priest(or rabbi,iman,minister, lama, preacher,etc.,etc.) you will lose your 'faith' whatever it is,especially as time goes by and any real understanding of life arrives at your feet or enters your mind, let alone you heart! BUT, this should not deter anyone from trying to be friends with such 'exalted' personages,who well may be very sincere, educated, charitable, kind, and humorous, and so forth, but it may turn out to be the exact result of your friendship that leads to a complete loss of faith as you enter, 'THE DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL'.
"I go where my Bishop sends me," is the reply to a question or questions I had posed and asked a certain priest while we were dining at a local eatery in town as it centered in part over 'priestly assignments' and 'policies' of the diocese,some of which were affecting the 'architecture' of the town and also 'impacting'(as the moderns say) education and its facility. My mind immediately dredged up another question from my childhood, youth, and involves an expression often used by many, including my Welsh Uncle by marriage, namely,"EVEN IF IT'S UP A PIG'S ASS?" but, of course, I declined to ask it, even if my 'inner being' was urging me to do so. This question is akin to another one from my youth, which is, IF THERE WAS A FREE CIRCUS BEING GIVEN UP A PIG'S ASS, WOULD YOU GO?" Many of a most fastidious nature would decline such a 'free' offer and answer in the negative with a "NO!" thereby falling into the trap which is,'THEN YOU' SUCK AROUND THE EDGES!" The POINT of this little anecdote is not about 'pig's asses' or 'free circuses' or other concerns but to show that when one enters 'the priestly path' or THE WAY OF THE MONK, OBEDIENCE IS DEMANDED AT THE VERY BEGINNING! CHASTITY & POVERTY ALSO OR SOON FOLLOW.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Simply going to any church or embracing any particular set of doctrines or entering various monasteries or the like,especially in the overt, ordinary established ways, will guarantee your entrance into ETERNITY or its variants, such as, Paradise, Heaven,etc. You have to realize that all priests, whether Catholic, Episcopal(ian), Buddhist, Zen, Greek/Armenian/Russian Orthodox or the more obscure sects of Early Christianity that still exist, are MAGICIANS. What this means requires a more detailed and deeper discussion that can be attempted here but those who are interested in this item might look at the topics of ESOTERIC CHRISTIANITY and ESOTERIC BUDDHISM. A discussion of Hindu Priests and similar groups requirs somewhat different treatment.
THE CHURCH can be seen as 'a preparation for eternity'- creating a soul through ritual, rite and practice and communion, through active or passive participation if one realizes that and notices such with an acknowledgment that THE PRIEST IS A MAGICIAN.
This is also a title of a book by SWAMI RANGANATHANANDA,whom I met in Washington,DC in 1969 when I attended his lecture and purchased his book which he graciously signed for me and which I still have. It was published in 1968 in India and its subtitle is: AN EXPOSITION OF THE UPANISHADS IN THE LIGHT OF MODERN THOUGHT AND MODERN NEEDS. This book deals mainly with these three books:ISA,KEMA & KATHA UPANISHADS The book also contains some useful information on the Devanagai Script and references,etc.
Nearly all forms of organized religions have an ESOTERIC form or existence that only a few persons know of,recognize, or understand. BUDDHISM is no exception. The formal teachings of Buddhism are fairly well-known and frequently studied by numerous people from all walks of life,but the more esoteric, occult, and exotic forms are hardly touched by the mainstream of humanity,though Buddhism as a devotional religion continues to have many adherants. The enormous literature in English alone attests to the world-wide interest of Buddhism as does the occasional conversions to the various sects, such as, Zen capture attention in various ways. The subsystem of TIBETAN BUDDHISM has taken on the role of a major study and system and its relations to 'orthodox' ,'traditional' etc. forms of Buddhism is often difficult to show, relate, or understand. This is partly due to the exile of the Dalai Lama from Tibet and his appearances in various capitals and places of the world,especially with world figures and movie stars,etc. or other celebrities. In some cases this is most unfortunate,while in others it is helpful which doesn't make clearer the existence of ESOTERIC BUDDHISM.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Contrary to popular belief and ordinary religions and discussions of such by ordinary persons, ESOTERIC CHRISTIANITY has four main lines from which it derives or grows or originates,etc.,etc. These are; THE EGYPTIAN, THE HEBRAIC, THE PERSIAN, AND THE HINDU. These lines will be discussed and made more apparent than what is shown here since they involve more than a mere acceptance or cursory understanding.
This is a more positive aspect of ESOTERIC CHRISTIANITY that 'denies' the sort of 'otherworldliness' that often characterizes a lot of modern religions and especially ordinary,organized Christianity. It is something to ponder over the years especially as experience in life unfolds.
Many varied discussions of what is termed, 'ESOTERIC CHRISTIANITY' confuse those interested in finding out more about such. Most exoteric groups,such as, churches, sects,cults, and temples, and synagogues, and mosques, and so forth, especially those of the 'fundamentalist/literal' schools tend to ignore and dismiss and deny the existence of ESOTERIC CHRISTIANITY. One has to be cautious, of course, because so much fictional literature has distorted, attenuated, and added elements to this topic and will continue to do so over the years.
Monday, September 28, 2009
This statement may seem rather far-fetched to most who sit and pray,whether at home or in some 'worship' center like a church, synagugue, mosque or temple or whatever,but unless prayer modifies and affects your basic metabolism and physiology it has not real tangible effect on you as it should have if you have done it well, right, correctly,etc. Prayer also involves fasting and breathing and certain postures and movements as well as gestures,etc. All this can be very involved for most who do not understand what they must sacrifice and what the real efforts involve.
People of a religious bent are often indulging in various ways of prayer but few fully benefit from such because their prayers are merely VERBAL, mutterings, bequests, ramblings, and a number of other things, that really bring any tangible results for them and many, if not most, wonder why their prayers go unanswered, or why those of groups that oppose them have their prayers answered. Those who follow the WAY of the MONK start out by doing certain specific tasks, which,in some instances involve chastity, obedience, and poverty or begging and bowing and standing on street corners and a number of other 'devotional' practices. Kneeling and genuflecting are done by many laymen and worshippers as well as by clergy, ministers, priests, monks,etc. But even there only a rare few know what is needed and what should be done. FASTING, PRAYING AND BREATHING are THREE ASPECTS that have to understood and practiced assiduously but undertaking such without knowing the full results of these practices will present risks and difficulties few moderns are willing to undergo or undertake,unless they are only escaping from daily life. Some of this can be found in THE WAY OF THE FAKIR and also in or on THE WAY OF THE YOGI and as anyone attempts to study or follow any of these paths, certain obstacles will confront them all along the way. "The Pilgrim's Progess' is fraught with peril.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
THE WAY OF THE MONK is also known as THE WAY OF THE PRIEST, since it always involved religious sentiments and emotions as well as rites and rituals or other ceremonies,whether individual or group, organized or clandestine, occult or esoteric, or formalized controls. To achieve any success at this Path,no matter what it is called, you must accept everything from the very first. Usually, there is no choice in such matters because the majority of mankind are born into these things and cultured,brainwashed, and hypnotized by such from even conception. This is not to say that such things are not important, since obviously they are and have great implications for life on earth as we experience it and far reaching effects for the future of earth. Basically, all religions are forms of social control, dictating social norms and trends,plus a lot more. Few people question such or if they do are often feared, hated, persecuted, and destroyed. Others seek to endorse the things they derive from such a way of life and attempt to educate, indoctrinate, and teach others these things in various ways, from missionary efforts and street-side conversions, and a whole host of other things. A very rare few seek the mountain tops, the inner recesses of caves or secluded and obscure temples and monasterys. The Way of the Monk can include not only Christians, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhists but other forms of religion. Take your pick. But realize that you may well be lost in a maze of confusion and a labyrinth that leads you to areas you did not intend, perhaps.
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